Don't Miss The Video Near The End Sharing A Shocking Message And Blended With Many Miracles.
Also Near The End See An Amazing God Sent Demonstration Of Needing To Be Anchored On Solid Rock Truth. And See An Amazing Rock He Provided To Be Found On July 4 With A Message For America!
Massive Rock Almost Hits Church!
And At An Amazing Time!
See Below For Many Connecting Miraculous Incidents!
But Even A Solid
ROCK Can Largely Be Buried!
God wants His ROCK of truth, which has been obscured by the dirt of almost every imaginable error, to spring forth!
Prophet Amos vividly spoke of a TRUTH FAMINE when people would run to
and fro throughout the earth to find TRUTH and could not find it. (Amos 8:11-13).
Apostle Paul also spoke of perilous times to come and a great falling away in which
TRUTH naturally would become more obscured (2 Tim 3:1, 2 Thess 2:3).
Nothing Is As Vital As Finding And Possessing God's Solid Rock Truth! It Is Good...
Jesus said, "If ye continue in my word, …ye shall know TRUTH, and TRUTH shall make you FREE" (John 8:31-32).
Too many carefully plan for retirement, while ignoring truth and soon to come death, as well as God signs and wonders!
Truth Has Promises And Blessing For Both This Life And The Life To Come.
Oppositely Erring Religions Have Bitterly Misled, Obscured, And Oppressed!
God Has Confirmed These Issues With AN ABUNDANCE OF MIRACLES.
The Devil Has Misled Many Religions, And Don't Loose His Prisoners.
(Isaiah 14:12-20)
Uniquely situated between our driveways and near road.
We have a huge rock uniquely buried in our front lawn, having only a tip sticking out of the ground. I have often thought of truth being buried just like that rock. And yes, greatly needing to come forth and be shared with every one down the road. Therewith my passionate desire and prayer was that truth would spring forth out of the ground and come swiftly to the churches. And yes the below miracle certainly applauds that concern. Although the message of God's Rock Of Truth springing out of the earth might be surprising, and have weight as to shake and shatter many churches, may truth rather stop short of destroying, have mercy and restore. Yes may mercy rejoice against judgment (James 2:4).
"Truth shall spring out of the earth; and
righteousness shall look down from heaven." (Psa 85:11).
A Rock Springs Out Of The Ground And Almost Crushes
A Church At A Very Meaningful Time In My Life. May of 2014
The Amazing And Meaningful Timing Of The Rock Event!
I have had numerous dreams wherein I was painfully buried alive. Buried like the unique rock uniquely buried in our front lawn and having only a tip visible. I have often felt like my extensive truth seeking efforts (as well as humanitarian efforts), largely lie buried like the rock in our lawn. And therewith often prayed that my both my religious and humanitarian endeavors, someday would spring out of the ground. Interestingly after telling a prayer team about the rock buried in our lawn, and how I felt the rock portrayed my religious and humanitarian efforts being buried, and after their special prayer on my behalf, the next day it was published on Fox News that a huge rock (about the size of the rock uniquely buried in our front lawn) did amazingly spring out of the ground. Further the rock amazingly rolled right up to a church, and although it had weight to crush the church, it stopped just 12 inches short of crushing or damaging it. The prayer was on Mother's Day 2014. The rock incident, although occurring slightly prior, was widely or basically published on Monday after Mother's day. And yes I was amazed to see the story of the resurrected rock, remembering the special prayer the day before.
The rock is centered between our two driveways,
directly in front of our front door, and near the road.
The below page was created in 2012 two years before the resurrected rock event.
See for the other pages connected to the above page.
The Corner Pin Incident! June 2012
Religious Corner Pins
Need Firmly Fixed On The ROCK Of God's Truth
God wants our religious boundaries and corner pins to be built on His rock rather than the mere sand of men's traditions. For many years I was seeking to reveal to a particular church that some of their religious corner pins were not genuine. The below page shares some of my difficulties in this, and tells of a unique incident where God with His helping hand then caused that I discovered a literal and unique fake corner pin in the very presence of those I for years was trying to show had faulty corner pins within their religious system. Yes God seen fit to demonstrate before them literally, the falsity which I had been passionately seeking to reveal. And yes God with His amazing hand, later did even much more to get the attention of this church. God wants all corner pins to be on the rock. See the story of the Valentines Tree given later to see what else God did.
Fake Corner Pin Found June 2012 In An Amazing Manner.
All five pages of the above document are given at
The Amazing Tree Incident Of Valentines 2019
God Wants To UPROOT All That Is Not Fixed On The ROCK
In 2018 prayers were made that religious errors would fall like tall dead trees especially thinking of the above mentioned church, as well as thinking of issues surrounding the Valentines subject. Therewith a huge tree was uprooted and fell Valentines Eve 2019 at the church and blocked their driveway during a service. A tree which ended up being shaped like a heart and which was full of meaningful images. For more see shares some of my experiences with this church.
If we really want God to be our Rock and to stand on His truth we certainly must be fully open hearted to receive His truth whatever it is. Yes be much more determined to attain His solid rock truth than to prove we always had it. It is sad that many seem more determined to prove they always had full truth, than determined to attain it, and thus will miss God's good rock of truth, and miss it's promise and blessing for both this life and the life to come. Many people are so taken up with their religious agendas or popular religious concepts, they have no interest in carefully inspecting crucial issues and looking beyond the religious systems and agendas they are accustomed to.
The Meaningful Flame Of 2011
And The Amazing Whale Event Therewith
God In His Love Is Passionately Seeking To
Bring His Glorious Rock And Light Of Truth To Mankind!
Having a great desire to really know God's solid rock truth, my prayer largely throughout life has been that God would light my candle and enlighten my darkness. This flame of fire seen for 40 miles around occurred on my 50th birthday and in a manner as also vividly spoke of the Valentines subject. The flame occurred in a time and hour as gave a vivid confirmation of my extensive Greek study on Paul's teaching regarding woman's needed head covering, as in 1 Cor 11:1-16. It confirmed my conclusion that Paul was advocating that long hair was the needed covering. Yes powerfully confirmed my conclusion that Paul actually was advocating that woman, who God made for man and to be the glory of man, thus was to have power or liberty about her head because or like the angels, and that therewith her long hair is a God intended glory, given for a covering, and instead of a veil.
And Oh yes I must also add that on Valentines day, four days after the amazing flame, God also seen fit that a whale should further confirm the liberating message of the flame. Yes a whale held captive by a stifling net was literally and amazingly liberated from a crushing net four days after the flame, and of immense significance this further was on Valentines Day the very day of the year that points to and celebrates beauty and romance. And not only was the show of cutting the net and liberating the whale outstanding, but the whale afterwards also gave such a phenomenal show of delight, the demonstration of the liberated and delighted Valentine's Whale has drawn many millions of views on Social Media. And for some reason God has given an many more miracles confirming the same message regarding veiling. See for much more.
Interestingly and even further God's providence also provided that a massive gas line now extends from the place of the meaningful flame, as if carrying its liberating message regarding feminine glory and veiling, and yes carrying it to a large and the most dense Muslim settlement in the USA, near Detroit Michigan. Thus in 2018 a fuel for revival map was created, showing the pipeline extending to the Detroit area.
See the below video to see another amazing incident, which involves a fiery sermon given at Detroit Michigan on Nov 22, 2020. A sermon which amazingly corresponds with all the above issues, with the speaker likely knowing nothing of them. This fiery sermon given at Detroit, spoke of a tsunami of power coming to the region uprooting deeply rooted erring systems, and emphatically spoke of ripping off the veil, and ripping the veil of false religion off the region. And then to top it all off, at last my very name was prophetically called out with an amazingly relevant message. For many years I have been waiting for the solid ROCK of truth to powerfully spring out of the earth, and for years painfully waiting for many good things to occur which God showed me. The message given was, "Amos, The Lord says, yes indeed, it won't be long now, God's decree, things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing after the other, you won't be able to keep up with it, everything will happen all at once, and everywhere you look blessings. etc". Watch the video to see much more.
Don't Miss The Above Video! A Video Interwoven With Miracles!
JULY 4 2021 ROCK
Amazing Rock Found At An Amazing Time, Pointing To And Warning America.
God Is Calling America And All The World To Acknowledge Him And Build On Solid Rock Truth.
Issues About And Images On Rock Correspond With Images In Valentine's Tree. God Wants Us
To Be Anchored In Him And On That Which I Solid And True, Otherwise At The End Our Anchor
Will Fail And Miserably Let Us Down As Shown In The Shocking Video Given Slightly Below.
The Below Video Provides A Vivid Metaphor Of The Need To Be Anchored On Solid Rock Truth, And Especially When Being Lowered Into The Grave.
God Brought The Video Into My Life At A Very Meaningful Time.
On my 28th birthday I mailed out an article emphatically advocating the need to be firmly and fully anchored in God's Word in Spirit and Truth. Twenty five years after my mass mailing of the article to pastors through out the country and now on my 53 birthday, throughout the day I was very much thinking about the article I had sent out twenty five years before and which had caused quite a commotion. That evening I went to my Facebook feed which at that time did not have so many posts as I did not have many Facebook friends and was shocked to see this video which gave a phenomenal example of the need to be properly anchored and aligning with my article of 25 years before and my thoughts of the day. And yes likely another of God's many amazing acts rather than coincidence. Those who refuse to fall upon God's rock of truth at the end and after being buried will have the rock of truth fall on them just like this crane fell on top of the dozer (Matt 21:44).
A God's Sent Display Of Needing A Solid Anchor
May we make sure OUR EARS desire and itch more to hear utmost truth than to hear those who would shower us with soothing, but faulty consolation and doctrines. The Bible warns saying, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." (2Tim 4:3-4). Some want truth to endorse liberties that actually are inappropriate and unhealthy, while others want truth to endorse the commandments of men, or austere religious traditions which may actually stem from the doctrines of devils. Our ears often strongly itch to be assured that truth is simply what we want it to be, which itch often becomes evil, and distorts and rejects what really is Solid Rock Truth. If we want GOD and His TRUTH (it enshrines the perfect law of liberty), to be our rock, all error must be thrust out! speaks more of the
importance of God's solid ROCK truth and points out numerous vital subjects.
A Tree Of Various Websites Created Over The Years
For a list of all the websites in alphabetical order see
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Note the photos included on this website or any of my sites certainly do not mean those shown know of or are involved with what the author is promoting.
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